Grammar Perfection: Mastering the Most Common Errors


What you’ll learn in this Online Course

  • Whether you are writing an email or creating a resume, we should ensure that our writing is correct by avoiding grammar mistakes.
  • If we spend some time to edit our words before sending them out, we may find some grammatical errors. Using correct grammar means effective communication.
  • The students will learn the common mistakes made in use of Apostrophe, unnecessary commas, mixing up spellings or words, missing comma in a compound sentence.
  • There may be incomplete comparisons, mixing up plural and possession, commas for a series, introductory commas, capitalization errors and error relating to verb

Udemy Course Requirements

Whether you are writing an email or creating a resume, we should ensure that our writing is correct by avoiding grammar mistakes. If we spend some time to edit our words before sending them out, we may find some grammatical errors.


Most Common mistakes in English Grammar in connection with the following :

1.Use of incorrect spellings of a word

2.Mistake in using Apostrophe

3.Sentence fragments

4.Lack of Subject-Verb agreement

5.Misplaced modifiers/words

6.Pronoun error

7.Incomplete comparisons

8.Mixing up Possession vs. Plural

9.Confusion between Fewer and Less

10.Your vs. You’re

11. i.e. vs. e.g.

12. Writing numbers

13. Use correct verb for the entire correspondence

14. Unnecessary commas

15. No clear Antecedent

16. Ending a Sentence in a Preposition

17. Very long sentences

18. Mistakes with Well and Good

19. Peek vs. Peak vs. Pique

20. Who vs. That

21. A lot vs. Allot

22. Who vs. Whom vs. Whose vs. Who’s

23. Into vs. in to

24. Lose vs. Loose

25. Then vs. Than

26. Introductory commas

27. Of vs. have

28. Possessive nouns

29. Missing comma in a Compound Sentence

30. Mixing up spellings

i) To vs. too vs. two

ii) Whether vs. Weather

iii) There vs. Their

31. Mixing up similar words

i) Affect vs. effect

ii) Further vs. father

iii) Accept vs. except

32. Assure vs. Insure vs. Ensure

33. Me vs. I

34. Commas for a series

35. Compliment s. Complement

36. Between vs. among

37. Semicolon vs. Colon

38. Capitalization errors

Who this course is for:

  • Students interested to learn Common mistakes in English Grammar

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